‘Children need your love most when they least deserve it.’
Are your carers looking after children who are displaying a wide range of challenging behaviours?
The National Minimum Standards state that:
3.8) All foster carers receive training in positive care and control of children, including training in de-escalating problems and disputes. The fostering service has a clear written policy on managing behaviour, which includes supporting positive behaviour, de-escalation of conflicts and discipline. The fostering service’s policy is made clear to the responsible authority/placing authority, child and parent/s or carers before the placement begins or, in an emergency placement, at the time of the placement.
We at Shades Training have been delivering a high calibre,cost effective training, specifically designed for foster carers, adoptive parents in the extremely emotive area of physical intervention/restraint since 2001.
Click the Client Page to see which Local Authority’s & Independent Fostering Agencies have already taken advantage of our quality training package.
Click on Testimonials to read what the carers have to say about our training.
Training that promotes safer practice.